If you've never had the chance to stop by and see where all the magic happens, well... hear this out and hurry up. The walls of RR Veronetta have many stories to tell about these 12m2. It all started with turning a kebab shop into a studio, but the studio was born with open doors, a small dance floor and a bar corner, and we enjoyed dancing and sharing thoughts, and kicking everybody out to head to some big party somewhere and yeah, we were all mad there. Lock-down times came, and the dance floor became a living room: we streamed live gigs for all our friends at home, from sofa to sofa. Then open again, but “things could never be like they were before”... So what? We changed once more and we opened with a kitchen corner and a menu, seating tables and chefs and cocktails, and all the safety that's required. Be welcome. One thing has never changed though: our will to give space to artists to express freely and to relate with their public in the most cozy and inspiring place we can set up and share.